Panchayat Samiti Gadhinglaj

Panchayat Samiti Gadhinglaj is a Government website.Gadhinglaj Panchayat Samiti is working for the development of rural areas in the taluka. As per 2011 census, the population of the taluka is 874015. Its aresponsive and informative web portal for people of gadhinglaj.
Key Features of website
- Deparment and members displayed
- Blog and Carrer pages
- Google Map in contact us
- Social media integration
- Easy slider with images
- Easy flow on mobile with responsive mode
- Unlimited Bandwidth and Storage
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Panchayat Samiti Gadhinglaj
Panchayat Samiti Gadhinglaj is a Government website.Gadhinglaj Panchayat Samiti is working for the development of rural areas in the taluka …
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